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yoga Mentorship Program

When graduating from a Yoga Teacher Training, many graduates look to teach only to find that most places want experienced yoga teachers or find that there are limited options available.

As a yoga teacher, I get it. When I was done with my training I had no real guidance.

I was able to pick up a class by being at the right place at the right time. I really didn’t understand how the yoga industry worked. 
Studios want confident teachers who can sequence classes and help their clients feel welcome and safe.


They need instructors that understand the logistics of a yoga business, how to grow their classes, and how to help create community.

That typically only comes to teachers once they have found their voice and have the fundamentals of teaching to be able to jump in and teach any type of class……which of course is hard to do without experience.

To bridge the gap, we started mentorships within our studio space.

Most teachers are inadequately prepared, through no fault of their own, to actually teach a yoga class much less run a business.

Many instructors may not know how to sequence their own classes, adjust postures to students abilities, or read a room. The business of yoga was barely touched on during their training. While many prospective teachers learned about yoga, there was a lack of experience or education specifically related to teaching yoga classes.


About the Program
Our yoga teacher mentorship program is an 8-week program between Sun Moon Yoga & Healing and yoga teacher training graduates.
Each week, the instructor will take classes with Sun Moon Yoga & Healing to participate and observe.

They will have the opportunity to ask questions related to the business of yoga, sequencing classes, asana, essential oils, relaxation techniques, and community building. Additionally, they will meet with a senior yoga instructor online or in person for 30 minutes to develop solid classes that are well rounded, make sense, and that they can feel confident teaching as well as practical business advice for working within the yoga industry.
Upon approval of the senior yoga instructor, mentees may have the opportunity to co-teach classes or receive feedback on community classes.

What’s Included in the Mentorship
This mentorship includes the following:
Unlimited access to Sun Moon Yoga & Healing classes
8 weeks of mentorship of training including shadowing 2 weekly classes and a 30-minute coaching session with a senior yoga teacher.
Upon approval, the opportunity to co-teach classes.
Compassionate feedback on community classes.
Upon successful completion* of the program mentees will receive 25 hours worth of Yoga Alliance CE credit.

This program is ideal for:
Recent yoga teacher training graduates who did not learn how to sequence their own classes.
Yoga teachers who have not taught since their yoga teacher training.
YTT graduates who did not learn how to adapt postures to a variety of different body types and abilities.
Part-time instructors considering making the leap into teaching yoga as a career.
Cost and Dates
limited spots are available based on our current loads and schedules.
Cost: $349


Prospective mentees must apply to We will review your resume and make sure that the time commitment works and that the fit is good for both parties. Upon confirmation, mentees will be sent an invoice for the training. Their spot is not secured until payment is paid. If you have any questions about the mentorship, please do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about the program.
Sun Moon Yoga and Healing


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