Our story began with a love of yoga and a passion for spreading that love through the art of teaching yoga.
This is indeed mom and mom business.
We are both local mothers who have been deeply rooted in the yoga practices for over a decade.
Being a parent is probably the most challenging job on earth and that is what led both of us down this powerful holistic path.
We felt a calling to create a special space where profound healing & relaxation can take place.
Our mission is to create a deeply tranquil yoga experience that will help students to be able to truly get the rest and reset they need.
Classes range from gentle all the way to vigorous flow .
We truly care about each of the students unique and individual needs.
We are known to go above and beyond to make sure everyone is safe, joyful, and content in the practice.
A fun fact about us is that we share the same birthday and that day is the 108th day of the year.
This number is a very sacred number in the yogic teachings.
Om Shanti (peace)
Owners Lisa Horan-Sockol and Emily Sobel